From the Omemee and Historical Society!
On your Mark, Get Set, Write!
Good morning,
If you have a child or grandchild, or a student that likes to write, we would like to hear from them. Our book fair writing contest is for students this year. They don't have to go through their teacher, and I can e-mail the rules. The announcement was to be in the Lindsay This Week, but so far it has not been put in. The local schools received letters in December, but some of the students said they haven't been told about it yet.
Thank you, Marlyne Fisher-Heasman (president)
Omemee & District Historical Society
Note: Joan Graham called us last night, to let us know about the contest, and spoke with my daughter. Here are the details my daughter shared with me:
Topic: History of Omemee (fiction or non-fiction)
Length: Maximum 850 words
Deadline: March 28th
Prizes 14 winners will be chosen $500 in prizes!
1st prize:$100
with the rest divided among the other winners.
Contact Ms. Fisher Heasman at
rmranch (at) sympatico (dot)ca
Good luck to all writers!
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