Tuesday evening, Gary Pearson, from Omemee, received his third AAC Award for academic excellence, while representing Trent University in Rugby. Although 62 Trent Students were honoured for balancing the sport they love with their studies at Trent; only a handful have maintained this balance of studies, and sports participation for more than two years.
Tuesday evening, 60 people attended Trent's Academic All-Canadian Awards ceremony at the university's new athletics complex. The Academic All-Canadian Awards are handed out annually to honour students who earn 80-plus average marks while representing the school in varsity-level competition.
Pearson, working on his masters degree in Psychology, has been able to maintain a high level of academic achievement while representing Trent University on the Rugby team, and juggling family life as well. (One of his greatest challenges is trying to get overenthusiastic fans to stop buzzing his front lawn on their ATV’s while his kids are trying to take afternoon naps.)
"We're proud of them," Bill Byrick, the school's athletics director, told The Examiner before the ceremony, "because it's bloody hard what they do. They're training or working out three, four hours a day, and balancing that with a full academic workload. Many of them have jobs on the side. It's hard work."
Byrick said the number students receiving the Academic All-Canadian Award at Trent is higher than the average for other schools in Canada.
"About 20% of our student athletes are A students," Byrick said.
This says a lot for Trent, he added.
"We have some students who have won this award two, three years in a row," he added.
"That's indicative of the kind of students we have here."
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