Please let us know if you can help us by volunteering to pick up the school’s sub order from Sub Way every Tuesday. It would require someone for about 30 minutes from approximately 12:15 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. Interested individuals could leave their name and phone number for Mrs. Patterson at the office.
Spring arrives on March 20th and spring weather is fast approaching!
The thaw makes our play yards wet and muddy. We would appreciate receiving any laundered, gently-used children’s clothing that no longer fit your child. Clean pants, tops and socks in good condition would provide a change of clothing in case of a messy emergency. Also, it’s a good idea to send extra clothing for your own child, especially pants and socks, so they can change should the mud puddle prove to be too enticing!
Earth Hour: Turn off your lights on Saturday, March 26 th from 8:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Millions of people around the world will turn off their lights on March 26th for Earth Hour in support of action on climate change. We hope to make Earth Hour even bigger this year but we need your help! Encourage your friends and family to participate. You can do lots of fun things in the dark! Plan a candlelight dinner for a loved one or a group of friends. Play board games, tell stories, and sings songs with your kids and your neighbours. Get your business or workplace involved. Don’t stop at turning off the lights. Think about what else can be done to reduce your footprint: car pooling, unplugging unused electrical appliances, and washing your clothes in cold water. The list is endless, and your actions will make a big difference. LEES will participate in an earth hour on Friday, March 25 th by turning of lights, computers and powering down as much as safely possible.
(Reposted from the online Newsletter)
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