Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cottingham Court Rollover- Causes Massive Hydro Outage

Hydro Map Shows 6609 Residents Affected!

Shortly,before noon today, lights went out from Reaboro to Ennismore, and people were left in the dark as to the cause of this maor outage. While some residents initially belived they had blown a fuse, due to the intermittent outage, near the beginning, as people left their homes in search for answers, it soon became apparent that the outage was much more widespread.
Those with cell phones messaged Twitter citing locations with outagesSome wags wondered if Omemee had forgotten to pay their Hydro Bill. Shortly afternoon,power was restored at the Omemee Service Centre,and a quick look at the Hyrdro Storm map revealed some answers: a motorvehicle collision had caused widespreead outages from just west of Reaboro to just East of Ennismore. The outage afffected 6609 customers,and while the power in the Village of Omemee was only out for an hour, the estimated time for total restoration is 4:30 PM.

According to a reliable source, the driver of the vehicle,a young woman, rolled her car in the area of Cottingham Court Omemee. Thankfully,the young woman,emerged from the rollover virtually unscathed, with only a sore elbow. Her vehicle, and hydro pole on the other hand,were not so fortunate. SEATBELTS SAVE LIVES!

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