Flu Shots Offered Through Drive Thru Book Yours Now!
Drive Thru Flu Shot Clinic bookings will be accepted until 4 pm Friday October, 21 for Saturday October 29th. Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit, once again hosts their drive thru flu clinic for area residents with conditions that may prevent them from attending one of the Health Unit’s community clinics. Read on to find out how you can help spread the word about the clinic, who qualifies,and how to help people get to the clinic.
Flu shots- Special of the Day for those with Unique Needs
Imagine going through a drive thru, but instead of food and drinks on the menu, flu shots are the special of the day.
’Some people may have health conditions that make them more vulnerable to the flu but also makes it harder for them to come to our large community clinics,’ says Linda McCarey, Assistant Director of the Health Unit’s Communicable Disease Control department. ‘It’s more important than ever to make sure these people are immunized and our drive thru flu clinic offers a safe and easy way to protect themselves and their families from the flu.’
Residents with conditions which may prevent them from attending one of the Health Unit’s community clinics,need to contact Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit as soon as possible to book an appointment for the Lindsay Drive Thru;clinic. Residents with the following ,or similar, unique conditions,or needs should call:
are very frail with significant difficulty walking
use a wheelchair
are recovering from back or heart surgery
have serious auditory/visual conditions
require a guide or companion dog
are oxygen dependent
are developmentally/mentally challenged
have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease
Flu Shots- Special Drive Thru’ Clinic: Spread the word!
Flu Shots for our most vulnerable citizens are very important. Here are some ways you can help get the word out:
- Call three people you know who may not have heard about the special drive thru clinics
- Use the Social tools below to email,or share this article through your social connections like Facebook,Twitter,or email.
- Print off a copy of this article and post it on your work bulleting board.
Flu Shots- Special Drive Thru’ Clinic-Help Transport Neighbours
The Drive Thru Flu clinic will take place on Saturday, October 29 in Lindsay,so it may be difficult for many rural residents to get to the clinic. People can call to book Community Care rides,and may even be able to get a group rate Local Churches,are quite often willing to help with transportation to essential services,such as this,as well. If you would like to be added to our list of people who are willing to be contacted for car pooling and transportation assistance, please leave a comment below, or email: http://scr.im/omemee with the subject line:car pooling
Flu Shots- Special Drive Thru’ Clinic Cal Now
Interested residents who would like an appointment for the Special Drive Thru’ Clinic should call 705-324-3569,ext. 220 to book an appointment and learn more details.
Please note: All publically-funded flu vaccine this year may contain neomycin.
To learn more about influenza or the schedule of all the Health Unit’s flu clinics, visit www.hkpr.on.ca.
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