Saturday, October 1, 2011

Horse Seeks Home: Oppies Best!

Horse Rescues

Do you remember'Black Beauty'? Christine Welch Freedom Valley Horse Rescue, Mount Horeb Road,Omemee,Ontario scrapes together funds to rescue good horses from the slaughter house. Here, Christine shares the story of a sweet tempered mare,with a surprising background who was headed for the meat grinder, and now needs a new home.&image Oppies BestPlease welcome our newest writer to Omemee Pigeon eFlyer,by giving her article a 'Thumbs Up'! Featured Writer: Christine Welch Freedom Valley Horse Rescue

Oppies Best - Almost Dog Food!

I still remember first meeting Oppie, I fell in love with her immediately.  Oppie is
such a sweet tempered mare, very kind and gentle.  I didn't yet know her name, but her neck tattoo indicated a Standardbred racehorse. How could such a sweet horse have ended up in the meat pen? I knew I had to get her out of the meat pen, and give her another chance at living, so I scrounged up the money! Unfortunately, we don't have an unlimited budget, every adoption funds the next save, and so on.

Horse Seeks Home: Discovering Oppies Best Roots

When Oppie came to Freedom Valley on Monday, September 12, 2011,we didn’t know her name,but her neck bore a Standardnred racehorse tattoo.  I did a search on her tattoo number, and discovered a little info about her: her name is Oppies Best, and she was owned by Gassiens Racing Stables.  When I posted an ad about Oppies Best, I heard from Gassiens, who were very upset that she could have possibly ended up in that predicament.  I also heard from the lady who bought Oppie from them. The woman had to part with Oppie due to illness, but thought she had found Oppie a good home - till she saw my ad.  The woman was also upset to hear that Oppie was in the kill pen, and  was perplexed that the seemingly nice home, she had found for Oppies Best, obviously was not so. I soon, heard also, from two of  Gassiens employees who had worked with Oppie.. It appears our Oppie is well loved still by all who met her! 

Horse Seeks Home: Help Oppie Find a Home!

Oppie is still a bit thin, but is gaining nicely, She is still a bit green to riding, but has been ridden by an inexperienced rider, and drives well.  Oppies Best is a wonderful, good girl, sure to please! To find out more about adopting Oppies Best,or other ways you can help Freedom Valley Horse Rescue save horses from the meat grinder, please visit our Facebook page, or  blog or call (705) 799-6794
About Christine Welch:
image Christine Welch Christine Markle-Welch, and her husband, Howie, Welch, started their rescue in May '08 as a result of watching so many nice horses end up going for meat. To date they have saved 65 horses from that terrible end, and are always ready to help more. They are a non-profit organization. Although they are not yet registered, they believe that profiting from their horses' situation would be wrong. Their goal is to save, and find homes for as many horses as they possibly can, and work on training those who need it so they won't end up in that position again.

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