Saturday, October 1, 2011

Selling Your Home? Try ROI Tekauc Tips!

Home Repair R.O.I. – Return on Investment ~

Tekauc Tips - New Omemee Pigeon eFlyer Feature!
Featured Writer : Mark Tekauc- Mark Tekauc Contracting
image-3-car-Garage-Tekauc-Contracting Real Estate Home Repairs: Putting your home on the market? Repairs might not be something one would automatically think of, but it is something to consider.
Home Repairs: Painting Pays Off! Not painted the interior in a while? For the cost of a few cans of paint, and a few days’ work, you can make any room look brighter and bigger with the right colour choices. Payback is immediate with a good first impression, as buyers come through.
Home Repairs: Bathroom  Sprucing Pays Off!Bathroom looking a little dingy? Well that will cost you a little more, but again, payback is immediate and money well spent as long as you do not go too extravagant. If the tub is fine, keep it, as long it is not pink, purple, or blue, same with the toilet. A simple vanity replacement with moulded one piece top gives the great look of marble or granite at a fraction of the cost. Paint the walls, add a new light and mirror if needed. Remember to change out towel, and tissue bars if they are dated. There you go! New look without breaking the bank.
Home Repairs: Budget-Friendly Kitchen Repairs-Best Bet! Does the kitchen look like grandmas from the 40’s? Been watching all those home reno shows on T.V. with all the glitzy cabinetry, stainless steel appliances and granite counter tops? Well, here is where things can start to get tricky. If you live in a very desirable neighbourhood, with a hot market, you know that if you did a major kitchen makeover with all high end goodies, you could probably get your money back that you spent, maybe a little more. But, if like most of us, you live in a modest home, in an average neighbourhood, be careful where you spend your money, as you do not want to price your house out of the market. Face it - there are usually several homes around us for sale at any one time, so the buyers are well aware what the comparables are for your neighbourhood. If you spend too much money on that dream kitchen, you may not be able to get it back when you sell. Look at some of the manmade materials for countertops, instead of granite at $125 per square foot and up. Maybe, you could just paint your current cabinetry, and add new hardware instead of a total replacement.
Home Repairs: Your Contractor Can Help! The choices for home renovations these days are practically endless with great looks achieved at various price points. So, before deciding on what to do, look at some of the other properties for sale in your area. Most homes are listed on MLS, and can be viewed online with good interior pictures to give you some great ideas.
Once you have decided what you need to do, contact your local contractor who can work with you to budget your project to get the best R.O.I.
About Mark Tekauc:
image-Mark-Tekauc Mark Tekauc is the owner of Mark Tekauc Contracting in Omemee. Some of Mark's work can be seen on his Facebook page along with his contact information. Watch for Mark's next article ' Your Home:Winter Preparations'.
Facebook - Mark Tekauc Contracting :Facebook

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