Have Social Injustices to Air? Air Them On Trent Radio!
Regular programming is set aside for Friday November18th, and instead Trent Radio is devoting an entire day to the event: "Occupy the Airwaves".
If you have some political message, some social injustice that needs voiced, some economic itch to scratch, then sign up to do some programming on our November 18th event day, 'Occupy the Airwaves'.
‘Trent Radio has no political stance’, explains James Kerr,Trent Radio Programme Director, adding ’We are simply a broadcast facility available to get the message out from our membership to insightful ears.’
If you want to get involved, go down to Trent Radio House, 715 George St. North, and scribble in something on the Sign Up Sheet in the hallway. If you're nervous about speaking, and just want to be involved, tune in to 92.7 FM CFFF in Peterborough all day long November 18th and listen.
For further information email Programme Director, James Kerr, at jkerr@trentradio.ca.
James Kerr
Programme Director
Trent Radio CFFF 92.7 FM
Peterborough, ON
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