Saturday, December 17, 2011

Poignant Police Reminder-Fatal Injuries May Be Hidden!

Peterborough Special Traffic Media Release~

On the 12th of December 2011 at approx. 2:30 p.m. a 78 year old female was walking east on Simcoe Street. in the south side crosswalk at Aylmer Street  A west-bound truck on Simcoe, made a left turn at Aylmer, and struck the female in the crosswalk.
Injuries to the pedestrian did not appear life threatening at the time of the collision. However the pedestrian was transported to Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto on the 13th of Dec. with internal injuries and passed away on the 15th of December, 2011.
The driver of the truck, 51 year old Ricky Stockdale of Peterborough was charged with failing to yield to a pedestrian.

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