Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Police Investigate Fatal Transformer Fire!

Materbrand Building Crawford Drive, Peterborough –What Happened?

Friday December 16, 2011, just prior to 4:00 pm police and fire were called to the vacant Materbrand building on Crawford Drive, Peterborough to respond to an electrical fire at the transformer station located on the property. When they arrived they located a deceased male. The male was later identified as James Dexter Jenney age 43 of no fixed address.

James Dexter Jenney - How Did He Die?

Evidence at the scene seems to indicate Jenney was an intruder on the property cutting copper wire, and may have fallen  making contact with a live feeder line. Just prior to this incident, witnesses observed a male climbing the tower with a second male watching from the ground. As this incident was being investigated, officers were advised that on the same date a few hours earlier, a 55 year old male also of no fixed address, walked into a nearby medical clinic suffering from electrical burns. He was taken to hospital and then transported to a Toronto hospital. Due to his injuries, investigators have not been able to interview him. The investigation is continuing.

James Dexter Jenney-Can you help solve his Mystery?

Anyone having information about Jenney’s activities that day, or whom he was with at the time of the incident, is asked to call Peterborough Lakefield Community Police Service 705-876-1122 or Crime Stoppers .

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