Grandchildren's Photos Heisted Please Return Green Backpack!
91.9 BOB FM posted the following plea for a listener whose backpack was sto;en on the weekend from the Lindsay Library. We are re-publishing the details here in the hopes that someone will recognize the backpack .and help its owner regain her belongings.
A BOB listener had her green one-shoulder knapsack stolen while at the Lindsay Library on the weekend. It is not the items of dollar-value that she is concerned about, but a lot of irreplaceable items such as photos of her grandchildren, etc. There are some other personal items which she is desperate to get back as well.
Please Return-No Questions Asked
If someone has any knowledge about this, or someone would like to return it to her, no questions asked, please drop it off at the library,or contact BOB, and we will make sure she gets it back. Please help if you can! See BOB FM Facebook for more info.
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