Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cocaine Dreams Crashed!

Peterborough-Durham-GTA Trafficking Investigation Nets Over $300,000 ARV!

Jan.28, 2012, eight people were charged and drugs, cash, weapons and offense related property valued over $300,000 were seized in co-ordinated investigation by five police units. A drug trafficking network believed to be responsible for the distribution of cocaine to a network of drug traffickers extending into the Peterborough area had its activities curtailed following surveillance which identified the main players and residences involved in the drug trafficking network.

K-9 Nabs Fleeing Man

Once again, the K-9 Unit played a role in bringing in one of the key players in an investigation. During the execution of the search warrant on Bethune Street, Joseph Hobbins attempted to flee from the side door of the residence and was pursued by the K-9 unit, which successfully caught up to Hobbins and arrested him.

Drug Inventory Seized

The total amount of controlled drugs and substances seized are as follows:

• 1,363.4 grams or 3 lbs of cocaine. Cocaine currently sells on the streets of Peterborough for $100 per gram. Therefore the estimated street value of cocaine seized is more than $130,000
• Six Fentanyl patches total ARV $300
• 33.9 grams marihuana total ARV $340
• $50 in Methadone
• Large amount of steroids
• 780 Oxycontin 80mg pills total ARV $46,800
• 47 Percocet ARV $250
Hats off to members of the Peterborough Lakefield Community Police Service Drug Enforcement Unit, the Emergency Response Team, K-9 unit, Durham Regional Police Drug Enforcement Unit and the Ontario Provincial Police, continued their investigation into a drug trafficking network that extended from Peterborough through Durham Region and into the Greater Toronto Area


Joseph Hobbins, 27, of Peterborough
Charges: Possession for the purpose of trafficking, cocaine, possession for the purpose of trafficking fentanyl, production of a schedule I substance, possession of schedule I substance methadone, possession of proceeds of crime under $5,000, possession of schedule II substance marihuana, breach of probation, possession of a weapon dangerous to public peace.

Neil Hobbins, 52, of Peterborough
Charges: Possession of proceeds of crime under $5,000, possession of schedule II substance marihuana

Patrick Hobbins, 54, of Peterborough
Charges: Possession of schedule II substance marihuana

Marina Thompson, 22, of Peterborough
Charges: Possession of schedule II substance marihuana

Eric Jackman, 44, of Peterborough
Charges: Possession of schedule II substance marihuana

Amir Navarchi, 26, of Toronto
Charges: Possession for the purpose of trafficking cocaine X3, possession for the purpose of trafficking Oxycontin, possession for the purpose of trafficking Percocets, possession for the purpose of trafficking marihuana, possession for purpose of trafficking in steroids, possession of proceeds of crime over $5,000 X3 and trafficking in cocaine.

Amanda Demedeiros, 22, of Toronto
Charges: Possession for the purpose of trafficking cocaine X3, possession for the purpose of trafficking Oxycontin, possession for the purpose of trafficking Percocets, possession for the purpose of trafficking marihuana, possession of proceeds of crime over $5,000 X3, possession for purpose of trafficking steroids, trafficking cocaine

Matthew McCafferty, 21, of Toronto
Charges: Possession of proceeds of crime over $5,000, trafficking cocaine

For more information please contact Inspector Tim Farquharson at the Peterborough Lakefield Community Police Service at 705-876-1122.

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