Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Church Board Applauds New Chair Lift Givers!

Omemee Baptist Church Board Thanks Chair Lift Donors  

Omemee Baptist Church Board of Deacons showed its appreciation to all those who gave so generously toward the new chair lift by treating the congregation to a celebration lunch, Sunday, April 29.
Pictured below from the left -Pastor Dave Barker, and the members of the Board:Jude Jesso, Sheila McDonald, and Paul Beaumont.
Omemee Baptist Church Board of Deacons Cutting Cake April 2012

The celebration luncheon was a delicious way to thank all the people who gave time and money to make the church more accessible to all.

The lift has been operational for the past two weeks, and several in the congregation have expressed their gratitude and relief they no longer need to navigate the long set of stairs to the sanctuary. Here, pictured below, is Mary McMaster, 90, happy to be riding safely on the new chair lift at Omemee Baptist Church.
Mary McMaster, riding the new chair lift at Omemee Baptist  Church

The chair lift is easily accessible through the automatic double doors on the north side of the church, at 21 Sturgeon Street.

About Omemee Baptist Church:
Omemee Baptist Church , 21 Sturgeon Street North, welcomes you to join them Sundays at 10am for church services and Sunday School, and Wednesday evenings for Bible study at 7:30 pm. Omemee Baptist Church outreach includes: Wednesday evening Youth Group - 7pm at Scott Young Public School, Women Helping Haiti - every other Tuesday morning, and the Fresh Start recycled clothing and gifts store. For more information about Omemee Baptist Church ministry, please call 705-799-1469.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Mary ( Granny) U r beautiful! Love you!



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