Monday, July 23, 2012

3rd Annual Omemee Jams!

Omemee Jams - Fun Family Event Will Soon Be Here!

Each year Doug Kennedy and his family invite the world to stop by their farm at 121 Grassy Road,Omemee, for an evening of music and fun. This tradition started when they lived in Janetville, so it really is the 8th Annual Doug Jam that will be held Saturday,August 25th,2012.
Here is the event announcement:

Image Omemee population sign
Yes ya'll, this is the 3rd annual (8th if ya count the Janetville Jams) Omemee Jams! Come one come all.
This a family friendly party, the day is for the kids and the night for the adults, please bring your tents as camping is welcome.
Please leave your wonderful pets at home as there are several types of livestock in the close vicinity. The people are allowed to visit these wonderful beasts. I suggest bringing glow necklaces for the kids as they are very handy when the sun sets.

As usual there will be live music a playing and many more attractions to come.
Looking forward to seeing ya!
Stay tuned for more info..

BAND LIST in no specific Order and more TBA.
JAnetville Dug
Worst Case Ontario
I dunno
Ante Meridiem
Poor Pelly
Bradly Boy
Kori Kameda
Kyle Wison
Let Doug and his family know you will be attending on the Facebook events page.

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