Omemee Welcome Centre Welcomes Artists!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012 Artists will share artwork of all genres at Omemee Welcome Centre in a unique multimedia Arts Jam as part of the First Summer Omemee Family Fishing Festival.Representations of Some Arts Currently Displayed at Omemee Welcome Centre
Two Arts Jams - Kidz Artz Plus Arts Jam
Due to popular demand,there will be two Arts Jams ,one for the younger set titled Kidz Artz from 4- 5pm, and a second later evening Arts Jam.Kidz Artz will feature a quick craft project for the younger set,as well as encourage young artists to show and share their art work. The early start time will give younger artists an opportunity to shine before they tire.
Singers, visual artists, writers, performers, culinary artists, actors, storytellers, dancers and more will be welcomed to share their talents with others at the Welcome Centre 41 King Street East, Omemee. Following the Arts Jams, artists will also have the opportunity to select a space for displaying their work and business cards. All participating artists will also have the opportunity be featured in the Omemee Pigeon eFlyer. Finger food potluck. Please lug a mug!
The theme for this Mixed Media Arts Jam is 'Fish'. Artists are encouraged to bring up to four 2-3 minute selections to share. Since seating is limited, audience and artists alike are encouraged to pre-register by dropping off a fully refundable $8 deposit. Deposits will be refunded at the door. Deposits not picked up will be donated to the Five Counties Children's Centre to help children facing challenges realize their full potential. Free will donations will be gratefully accepted. Proceeds to the Five Counties Children's Centre.
Note: The evening Arts Jam will start following the Omemee Committee of Council Meeting (around 8pm) Please drop into Coronation Hall and take part in the Committee of Council Meeting,as information will be presented about Culture Days - something of significance to all artists.
Pictured above: Representations of some of the artists work currently at the Welcome Centre including:Photography -WalPeg Studio, Earth Works Jewellry -Omemee Rocks, Writing: Marg Buller and J.Alexander, Stained Glass -F. Chatten, Origami - E.Sholer
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