Omemee Christian Outreach Shares Loving Pakistan!
Pakistan. Headlines are full of the horrors being waged against people living in Pakistan by extremist groups.School children massacred. Women beaten for wanting an education. A Christian couple burned alive. What can be done to help? For Revivalist George Jenkins, these horrific reports have underscored the importance of showing love to the people of Pakistan. George, a former British Soldier will be the keynote speaker at the weekly Omemee Christian Outreach dinner January 12th. where he will share information about the importance of loving Pakistan.Disclosure: I received an advance copy of George Jenkins' book as a gift when our family was going through a very dark time. I also was blessed with the opportunity to hear George Jenkins speak, and experiencing a miracle at two events. Does this affect my opinion? Hmm.. would it affect yours?
Who is George Jenkins?
Glad you asked!
Revivalist George Jenkins - Transformed Warrior
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Kawartha Lakes Events - Omemee: Revivalist George Jenkins -On Mission of Love to Pakistan |
George Jenkins experienced a miraculous transformation, while incarcerated at Millhaven Penitentiary and became the first man to be ordained as a minister while in the Ontario Penal System. In one of his books, George Jenkins recounts the journey that took him from behind prison bars to showing the Love of Christ as a minister to all in terrorist-torn Ireland.
Reading a letter by an ancient soldier- Saul / Paul had a tremendous impact on George Jenkins. George writes:
"When I was in prison in 1983, I remember looking in mirror with my Bible in one hand and the other empty. Looking at my image I spoke to the Lord after reading the passage about going to the world. It was the most impossible of situations considering the circumstances. I took the Scripture to heart. I spoke to the Lord saying. Here is my Bible Lord you put a passport in my other hand and I will go to the nations. Here am I Lord send me. When the door of the prison swung open for me I was off to my first country. I have never looked back ever since. So it was not just His love for one nation but for all. Since then I have ministered in 27 different nations of this world watching as He transformed lives."Revivalist George Jenkins ministered in Ireland when terrorism was ripping the island apart.
Ulster was at her lowest ebb with fighting everywhere. As people answered their doors at night, they were shot in the face at point blank range.Others were blown to pieces when they started their cars to go to work in the morning.Does this sound like the reports we are receiving from Pakistan?
While in Ireland, George felt called to establish a church and invite all factions. At the Christmas service, children of both sides were present and all received gifts.
George Jenkins has experienced some personal amazing miracles, both alone, and with others. One very rare miracle was being translated through time with a group of Pastors to glimpse the peace that was come to Ulster.
Loving Pakistan - Bringing A Message of Love
One of the lessons George writes about learning in his book is the importance of showing God's love to people of all religions, and denominations. George tells how lives and even the economy of whole villages are transformed when the message of God's Love is brought to them. People are healed of leprosy, lame walk, and blind see. When hope is restored, crops even flourish.
In India an outreach was inspired by a man who was beaten to death with a shovel for going town to town by bicycle and showing a movie about Christ - a mission his wife continued after his death. Donations on that mission trip were used to extend that mission by purchasing ten motorcycles for churches to extend this Outreach.
In India an outreach was inspired by a man who was beaten to death with a shovel for going town to town by bicycle and showing a movie about Christ - a mission his wife continued after his death. Donations on that mission trip were used to extend that mission by purchasing ten motorcycles for churches to extend this Outreach.
George is taking gifts to the schools and churches in Pakistan including several computers, beading materials for children to learn a useful trade, and funds to help churches photocopy Sunday School curriculum. The Mayor of Kitchener, George's home base in Ontario is even sending gifts to the people of Pakistan. Posters are going up across LaHore announcing the Revival Fire Council Prayers for Pakistan meetings.
George Jenkins will be speaking at Omemee Christian Outreach at their weekly 6pm dinner meeting at Coronation Hall Monday, January 12th. He is also speaking at two services in Peterborough at Faith Harvest Church on Sunday January 11th.
For more information on the Loving Pakistan Mission trip please visit the Loving Pakistan Facebook Group.
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- CBC Ireland - Arrests made in shooting of Jim Grey
- Dec 17 Bloomberg:Kids Shot Point Blank One by One in Pakistan School Massacre-
- Nov 07 NBC Pregnant woman and husband burned alive
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