Omemee Residents Fuming Over Rural Closures!
Editorial : Suzanne Sholes B.A.B.Ed.
How You Can Fight City Hall
Facebook has been a hot bed of frustration over the past few weeks regarding the potential closure of rural services.Downeyville public library was closed in September 2016, and rural arenas appear to be on the chopping block.
Many point to the City of Kawartha Lakes alleged use or misuse of the Omemee chest fund to support other municipalities.
Our message box is stuffed with complaints about City of Kawartha Lakes management of finances and resources.
Many allege City of Kawartha Lakes appears to favor Lindsay over the rural municipalities.
This is not new to us, and part of the reason Omemee Pigeon eFlyer was started.
In addition is the question of who should foot the bill for the $55,000 fine the City just received for not allowing access to a company on its roads part of the year.
The common question seems to be - How can you fight City Hall?
We hope the following solution will be helpful to you.
Ontario Ombudsman Municipal Complaints Services
As of January 1, 2016, the Ontario Ombudsman can take general complaints about the province’s 444 municipalities. This is in addition to complaints about closed municipal meetings, which were added to the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction in 2008. Anyone with an unresolved concern about a municipality including citizens, councillors, or special interest groups can contact the Ombudsman by using the online complaint form on their website. Complaints can also be filed by phone (1-800-263-1830), or email
WHAT KINDS OF ISSUES CAN THE OMBUDSMAN HELP WITH? The Ombudsman can review complaints about the administrative actions and decisions of municipalities. The Ombudsman is an office of last resort. This means that you should try to address your issue through any available complaint or appeal mechanisms before contacting our Office.
The Ombudsman may be able to help with issues such as concerns about municipal services (e.g., snow removal, parking, garbage collection); programs (e.g., recreation programs, housing, Ontario Works), administration of taxes, municipally-owned hydro utilities, conduct of council members, conflicts of interest, or the work of local accountability officers.
If you're not sure whether or not an issue falls within the Ombudsman jurisdiction, contact the Ontario Ombudsman'a office.
What issues do you have with our municipal government?
Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We want to hear your views!:
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