Wednesday, October 5, 2011

HKLB Votes! Who Gets Your Vote?

Vote Vote Vote!

Editorial: Suzanne Sholer B.A. B.Ed. Omemee Pigeon Editor
BenBois_Poll_box Polls pronounce two-way Liberal-Conservative tie splash across paper headlines,and phones are ringing across Canada with volunteers asking,'May I ask if....can expect your support on election day?'
My answer? 'No! Definitely not!' Let me explain:

HKLB Votes:All Running Deserve Respect and Admiration

Free advertising space has been offered during each election to all parties,who
wish to use it. During this election,we have received press releases,from the Green Party - during the last,it was the Conservatives. While I have no respect for mud slinging tactics, I have stated in several public forums, that all running have my respect and admiration for trying to make our country a better place. So Why my vehement reply?

HKLB Votes:Pre-Election Polls Contribute to Voter Apathy

There are several reasons for voter apathy in Canada,one being the elector system, the other--advance polls. Frequently,people say: 'Why bother voting? We already know the outcome.' Unfortunately, with our electoral system, if you don't vote for the popular kid, good luck getting your ideas represented, no matter how great they are. Even if altogether, there are more votes in the entire school for 'the head of the chess club', rather than 'the captain of the football team', your wishes will not have a representative. Our voting system, paired with pre-election polls, has lead to wide-spread voter apathy. Voter apathy is not just relegated to the ranks of the young. During the federal election, even a university professor, informed me they don't bother voting, because Canadian elections are undemocratic.

HKLB Votes:Canadian Voting System Undemocratic?

Many modern countries regard our voting system as archaic, and undemocratic. All over the world,voting systems have changed with the times to proportional representation. Proportional representation, could be the cure our voter apathy needs. One non-partisan group 'Fair Vote' even attempts to arrange vote swapping as a method of trying to get proportional representation for all, but being the sceptic I am wonder-how can I be sure the swap will be honoured by the other party? Our voting system, may have worked well when there were only a few hundred Canadians in Canada, but it is long over-due for an overhaul,something recognized by even the late Jack Layton. So why bother voting if polls all say the 'Captain of the Football team' will win in 'your room'?

HKLB Votes:Why Vote? Every Vote Does Count!

Did you know every vote does count? No vote is a wasted vote.
First- Your vote counts as a stand for having the opportunity to vote. If you do not vote - don't complain when others make decisions for you.
Second -Your vote counts statistically, Each vote IS recorded as a vote for the party of your choice. Even with our electoral system, this statistic is something the party of your choice can draw on.
Third - Your vote can count to help your choice of representation get funds to keep pushing for a larger voice in government,and represent your ideas.

HKLB Votes:Treasure Your Secret Ballot Rights

Since well before my great-great-grandfather's time,and yours, Canada has had the privilege of election by secret ballot. This means who I am voting for is my business,and mine alone. The same goes for every other Canadian allowed to vote. In some countries around the world, people are not accorded this privelege. Vote by secret ballot is a right to be treasured, and safe-guarded.
So next time a pollster says, 'May I ask if....can expect your support on election day?'
Say- 'No! Definitely not!'
Ontario heads to the polls on October 6th, 2011 for the 40th Ontario General Election.
HKLB Votes:Helpful resources:
Need Help Getting Out to Vote? Contact your local Riding office!
Riding 029 Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock candidates in Alphabetical order:
GPO Anita Payne
FPO Charles Olito
NDP Don Abel
OLP Rick Johnson
PCO Laurie Scott
Get general election information:
Find your local candidates:
Find out how to vote:
Find out where you can vote:
Questions you may wish to ask representatives wanting your vote:
Public Libraries
Health Care - Public Health Rethink Poverty
Elementary Teachers
People for Education

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