Thursday, October 6, 2011

Omemee Photowalk - Join Us!

All Cameras Welcome on Thanksgiving TransCanada Trail PhotoWalk!

Updated Sat Oct 8
camera_mount Join in the Omemee Photowalk Free Family Fun!
Omemee TransCanada Trail, offers wheelchair accessible nature encounters for all. Omemee Thanksgiving Photowalk,10 am Sunday Oct 9th, is a great way to enjoy nature together with family and friends! Plus you get to meet and greet columnists Ruth Tait,and Jim Truswell of Omemee Pigeon eFlyer.

Jim Truswell,in addition to being a very funny writer, and wine aficionado,arranged a similar walk in Peterborough earlier this year.  We are very grateful to Jim for taking the bull by the horns,and putting together this event. It’s sure to be a fun time!
Ruth Tait, a trail photography aficionado, will be bringing along Trail Maps and audio maps so we won’t get lost in Omemee!
Whether you snap pics with your cell phone, a disposable, instamatic,or a professional camera,everyone is welcome to join in the stroll, which will take about an hour. Shutterbugs who pop into Ruby’s Roost to pick up a coffee for the trail,will be able to get a free refill,when they return after the walk to share their pics.

The circular route starts at Omemee Beach,and takes in vistas from two  of Omemee’s bridges.There will be a secret theme word for Sunday's walk,to make the event even more enjoyable! A photogroup is set up on Flickr, for this event where people may share their pictures of the photowalk.

Omemee Photowalk Welcome Packs

RSVP by leaving a comment below,or on Jim’s blog,introducing yourself on the photogroup page, or Checking in on the Facebook event. We recommend doing all three! Those who RSVP before midnight Saturday,will receive a ‘Welcome pack’. We look forward to seeing you!
Have something to include in the 'Welcome Package'?  Please leave a note,and bring it along at 9:30 am to add to the packages.


  1. I'll be there! Very excited to meet some fellow local photogs :)

  2. Hi! Looking forward to this! Couldn't ask for a better weather forecast. Sooooo, do I get a welcome pkg now????



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