Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ennismore Mum Futilely Seeks Help While Babies Perish!

Mother Osprey Seeks Help

Sunday, July 22, around 7pm an Ennismore Osprey nest atop a hydro pole caught fire. Horrified, at the plight of the Osprey family's plight Laurie and Pat Wookey snapped photos of the scene while first one firetruck, then another, arrived at the hydro pole just west of the causeway.

' The poor mother was frantic, her babies were screaming in the nest,' shared Laurie Wookey,adding' We watched the firefighters arrive,but all they did was stand around.'

'Eventually the nest disintegrated,and the babies fell out,trying to fly,but I guess they were too young,' added Pat.

Stranded baby Osprey burns all rights reserved Laurie WookeyImage Stranded baby Osprey burns all rights reserved Laurie Wookey

The question in people's minds is -Why? Why didn't the firefighters do something to help?

Image Firetrucks Arrive at Ennismore Osprey Fire

Watch this space for updates as we try to get an answer to this question.

Photos courtesy : Laurie Wookey

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