Win Your Christmas Tree!
Want to Win Your Christmas Tree? Potash Creek Farms Omemee Sponsors Contest!
Local Christmas Tree destination, Potash Creek Farms,will award a 'Cut-Your-Own Christmas Tree Gift Card', and fresh hand-made Norway Spruce Wreaths to lucky participants at the Lindsay Santa Shuffle, Saturday, November 26, 2011. Potash Creek Farms, renowned for their special Christmas Tree Farm tours is one of the many sponsors of the Lindsay Santa Shuffle,if you want to enter, time is of the essence - entry deadline is November 20th!
Santa Shuffle Helps Fill Homes With Cheer
Potash Creek Farms, located just outside Omemee,is tremendously proud to support the Santa Shuffle,whish raises funds for the Santa Stocking Fund, and supports the Kawartha Lakes Food Source food bank.
‘I was really trying to find an event or charity that we could work with to help out people in our community. When a friend of mine called, and asked if I would be interested in supporting the Santa Shuffle, with the prize of a Christmas tree, I knew it just made sense. We all know someone who has struggled at a time in their life, and I just wanted to do what I could to make Christmas a special time for families that have it tough. Especially for the kids, it is all about the kids.',shared Dan Vanderzwet, of Potash Creek Farms, adding, 'Having a real Christmas tree is what Christmas is all about. It brings joy and comfort to any home. A piece of nature, right in your house. Whether it is a real tree, or a fresh wreath, the smell is wonderful.'
Potash Creek Farms Christmas Trees:A Growing Tradition
Dan, and his wife, Heidi, moved to Omemee five years ago, with the dream of building a Christmas tree farm, and a family! The farm already had a large plantation of trees, which have been supplying the cut-your-own operation for the last few years. Since moving to the farm, the Vanderzwets have planted thousands of new trees - and two children for a total of three! Dan's dream of having a Christmas tree farm, began as a teen,pruning trees on a Christmas tree farm.
'Once we got up and going,' shared Heidi, 'it was only natural to add fresh, hand-made wreaths to the mix. Wreaths have now been part of our farm's offerings for two years.'
The Vanderzwet's are looking forward to the Christmas season,and meeting more new neighbours from the Kawartha Lakes area.
Potash Creek Farms Christmas Trees: Fresh Family Fun
Potash Creek Farms family Christmas Tree Expeditions,are gaining popularity through word-of-mouth referrals as more people seek to rekindle Christmas memories,or create their own family traditions.
'Every year more people come out to the farm.' shared Mr. Vanderzwet, adding: 'Our many repeat customers say they just love to come and walk through our trees. We enjoy hearing from our new friends, and are looking forward to sharing our special hot chocolate with them again this year.'
Santa Shuffle Features Chili,Carolling,Door Prizes!
The Santa Shuffle, a 5 km walk/run, also features: carolling, treats, a chili brunch and more! Attendees will also be able to win fantastic door prizes from local businesses, including Potash Creek Farms. Come out and see if you can win a cut-your-own Christmas tree gift certificate, or fresh hand-assembled Christmas wreaths. For visitor’s convenience, Potash Creek Farms. will also have wreaths available at the event,and a portion of the proceeds from Potash Creek Farms’ sales and orders that day,will be donated to the Santa Stocking Fund as well.
Register ASAP for the Santa Shuffle, only 2 days left! For more information about this event, to plan your Christmas tree hunting adventure at Potash Creek Farms, and see more Potash Creek Farm family fun activities visit their website events page at
potashcreekfarms.blogspot.comSupport local business and community through the giving of Christmas. Rekindle memories or start a new tradition!
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