Youngtown Museum Omemee Offers Reward!
Omemee Museum Needs Your Help!
Youngtown Museum needs your help catching culprits in the act. Vandalism, and careless truck drivers are cutting deep into the operating budget at Ontario's first Rock and Roll Museum. Youngtown Museum is offering a reward for direct information, photos, or evidence of anyone causing damage to the property at 45 King St. E. Omemee.
Youngtown Museum Targeted by Vandals
Between February 15th and March 1st, security lights at the back of Youngtown Museum at 45 King St. East Omemee were broken on THREE different occasions over the weekends. As a result, the museum was forced to replace the lights three times, and re-wire them to the second floor. Several days later, posters at the side of building were also removed.
Youngtown Museum Targeted by Truckers
Since early spring of 2011, large trucks turning right onto Colborne Street off King Street have been cutting the corner exceptionally wide, driving over the corner of the property, and narrowly missing the building. Despite concerns expressed to the local grocery store, about how this careless driving is endangering residents and damaging property, the careless driving problem has continued.
Youngtown Rock Rolled
Last year Youngtown Museum took action to deter this careless driving by digging in a large boulder and steel rod to discourage the driver, but without success. Tuesday March 13th, a large truck once again cut the corner, this time even dislodging the huge boulder.
'Make no mistake,the turn can be made by these vehicles without the crossing of our sidewalks, grass and so on.' shared Trevor Hosier, Youngtown Museum founder, adding, 'Someone will be hurt, or the museum will be seriously damaged. This is an act of vandalism so far as we are concerned.'
Youngtown Museum is asking people to please, watch for these truckers and other vandals - get a license number, take a photo of the truck or persons, call Police. They are offering a reward for direct information, photos, or evidence of anyone causing damage to the property at 45 King St. E. Omemee. Your help is needed and appreciated.
About Youngtown Museum: Youngtouwn Rock and Roll Museum a veriable catacomb of Rock and Roll exhibits at 45 King Treet East was founded by Trevor Hosier in 2007 and named in tribute to Neil Young who lived in Omemee, immortalizing it in the song 'Helpless', Youngtown Museum is open April 21st to November Saturdays and Sundays 11 am to 5:30pm for more information visit the Youngtown Museum Website
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