Millbrook- Cavan Food Security Movie Discussion Tonight!
Transition Cavan-Monaghan
Documentary Showing
The Power of Community
Transition Cavan-Monaghan will show classic documentary : The Power of Community, Wednesday May 2nd
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the Dorothy Stevens Room, Old Millbrook Public School,1 Dufferin St. Millbrook. All are welcome to attend the screening, and take part in the food security discussion following the movie. Tonight's screening is pay what you can with a suggested donation of $5 if possible. The room is provided by the Township of Cavan-Monaghan, and your support is appreciated as well. Be sure to arrive early to enjoy refreshments and social time when the doors open at 6pm.
Current Food Predicament Strategies Being Discussed
What will it take to secure the food supply for citizens of Cavan Monaghan in the next 10 years?
The Power of Community demonstrates the resilience of the Cuban people as they were forced to feed themselves after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
It leads directly to the Food Predicament that we are all now in, resulting from: Climate Change, Resource Depletion - including oil, water and soil, and Economic Contraction.
Following the film, the Open Space question is: What will it take secure the food supply for citizens of Cavan Monaghan in the next 10 years ?
About Transition Cavan-Monaghan : Transition Cavan-Monaghan is an all volunteer community initiative in early start up. The Transition Cavan-Monaghan start up Steering Committee is being formed with: Ian McQuarrie, Julie Olsen, Catherine Kaye, Fred Irwin, and Joan Michaels. More members are needed. Your support is most appreciated. Contact any of the members if you are interested. Contact Catherine Kaye at 705 536 0942 or catherinekaye73 [at] gmail [dot] com or Joan Michaels 705 743 8032 or joanttp [at] cogeco [dot] ca
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