Omemee Committee Council Minutes Issued!
Omemee Committee of Council Meeting for June meeting has been rescheduled to June 26,2012, 7pm at Coronation Hall 1 King Street West, Omemee.Omemee Committee of Council meetings are open to the public. Here are the Minutes from the last meeting as supplied by secretary, John Jones.
Minutes Omemee Committee of Council Meeting
May 15, 2012 7:00 PM Coronation Hall, Omemee
1.Attendance: Denise Williams, Suzanne Sholer, Forbes McEwan, Barry Marr, Peggy Armstrong, Joan Rehill, John Trennum, Barb Johnston, Ed Johnston, Sam Pittman, Stu Salsbury, John Jones, Randy Smith, Janice Salsbury, Ron Armstrong, Brenda LaTulippe, Cathy Fitzharris and Diane Chen, Property Manager of Cham Shan Temple with her team of five including Corena Zeng, Tom Cheung, Kam Cheung.
2.a. Moved by Janice Salsbury, seconded by Randy Smith that to save time, [answer complaints of overzealousness on behalf of the secretary, and the absence of a member due to a conflict of meetings] that items 10, 12, and 13 of the Agenda be deferred to next meeting. Carried.
b. Moved by Forbes McEwan that April 17, 2012 meeting minutes be adopted. Carried.
c. Moved by Janice to add extending City guidance for one more year Forbes seconded motion to amend. Carried
3.Randy Smith introduced the guest speakers. In turn Diane introduced her team. Each spoke on their field of expertise in a forthright, professional, informative and inspiring way, all the while within the time constraints. There is no doubt that this project will change the dynamics of the area forever. The construction alone is expected to take more that four decades and produce much skilled local labour.
Some pertinent facts: The temple and its surroundings will occupy 516 acres. Solar power will be extensively utilized. It is part of at least six other set aside satellite peaceful spots in The City of Kawartha Lakes and Peterborough County.
First Temples were converted buildings in the Toronto area.
The first major Temple was opened near Niagara Falls in 1993.
Next was another in North York in 1996.
But ours will be the largest outside of China. It will be based on the pattern of four mountain top Temples in China. It will be the “Mecca” of North America and attract world visitors. Eventually there will be: Buddhist Garden, the main tourist attraction, Vegetarian Restaurant, Meditation classes, Thai Chi teaching, Peaceful Retreats, Hotel. One room will occupy 25,000 square feet and another, later 85,000 square feet. Main Hall will open in 2015. Some of the massive building blocks will be shipped from China as they are not made here. Fitting together without nails or other fastening devices they will last for centuries. The Cham Shan Temple motto: “This is where the East will meet the West!”
Some of these facts came from Question Period.
Open house is 10 June 2012. Doors open at 8 A.M. Best times: 10 A.M.-2 P.M.Any donations will go to a local animal shelter.
Janice thanked the folks and there was much interaction during snack-time.
Meeting resumed.
6. Barb Johnston spoke on cooperation regarding replacing the nine summer flags that are on posts around town. Flags will be replaced next year. Janice asked if they are picked from a predesigned template or if we could make our own design and wondered if we could have a community contest to design the flags. Barb said that is a possibility. There needs to be a committee struck between the Lioness and C of C to deal with this.
7. Janice gave a verbal update on pioneer day. More funding needed.
8. John submitted a written report on Cultural Days, Canada Day, and a train story possibly with a lesson or two, contact outreach and the advantages of written reports
9. Substituting for Sam, Barry spoke to Lions Spaghetti Dinner, Dog walk.
10. D. Staines, absent due to a conflict with the community policing meeting.
11. Peggy reviewed Plaques; she will soon have a sample available for our review.
Derelict buildings are waiting for information from City Hall.
12. Deferred
13. Deferred
For Information about Omemee Committee of Council Meetings, please contact John Jones by email jonestv1 AT gmail DOTcom
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