Unique Historic Reno Laurie Wookey Guest - Omemee This Morning - June 26, 2012
Omemee Tihs Morning welcomed Laurie Wookey into our Mr.Convenience Studio this morning where we chatted about the labour of love which has created two beautiful spaces in what was once the first Bank of Toronto in Omemee. We alsop chatted about some of the new and upcoming events that are happening in the village of Omemee and surrounding area.
Laurie,originally from Toronto, will be at the Omemee Committee of Council meeting 7 pm this evening and encourages you to join with other interested parties in becoming involved in our village life. Coronation Hall, 1 King Street West, Omemee is whellchair accessible.Here is this episode of Omemee This Morning from our Mister Convenience studio.
Topics covered in this YouTube include:
Brief Historical overview of the building at the corner of Colborne and King Street
Omemee Committee of Council Meeting
Millbrook Transition Town Meeting
Tuesday Lunch at the Legion
Thursday Rise 'N Shine Jam at Ruby's Roost
Omemee Pioneer Days
Youngtown Museum
Later today, three new releases will be available at Mister Convenience for the first time on DVD. We will be posting a new contest later today in which YOU could win a Free movie rental from Mister Convenience.
About Omemee This Morning:
Omemee This Morning is taped each morning in space kindly donated by Mister Convenience,King Street East Omemmee. Omemee This Morning is then uploaded to YouTube. We welcome you to be a guest on Omemee This Morning too! Just email us or drop us a comment! We reserve the right to refuse to tape or broadcast any episodes that do not comply with our editorial guidelines. Get Omemee This Morning fresh each morning by subscribing to our OmemeeTV YouTube channel.
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