Reaboro DUI Avoidance Strategy FAIL!
A recent DUI Charge highlights impaired thinking behind an avoidance strategy.
CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES, ON A RIDE check recently conducted by the Ontario Provincial Police resulted in alcohol being seized from a vehicle and the driver being charged.
April 29, 2013 officers from the City of Kawartha Lakes detachment of the OPP set up a RIDE check program at Porter Road and Telecom Road, in the former Manvers Township. When a vehicle turned around prior to entering the check area officers followed and were able to stop the vehicle. The officer approached the vehicle and determined that the driver had been consuming alcohol.
As a result of the investigation, Brian MADILL, 40 years of age, of Reaboro, was issued a 3 day driver's licence suspension and was charged with having open liquor in the vehicle, contrary to the Liquor Licence Act (LLA). The officer seized the alcohol from the vehicle and the vehicle was towed from the scene.
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