Friday, February 14, 201411:00 a.m. Manvers Wind Concern welcomes you to join them at to the Environmental Review Tribunal regarding the Wind Farm proposed for Bethany, City of Kawartha Lakes at 655 Bay Street, Toronto Ontario in Hearing Room 16-3, either in person or via teleconference.
Manvers Wind Concern urges residents across Ontario to join them at the Environmental Review Tribunal where their lawyer will argue their case:
On Friday, February 14 the Wind Lobby and the Government will try to quash the objections of the First Nations Peoples and the Cham Shan Temple.
Remember ......this battle is for more than COKL. If this ERT fails it arguably will mean the end of any chance to stop any other project province wide,resulting in 'Open season for Industrial Wind Turbines'; 'Ontario massive Wolfe Island'; 'AND.......The political class all on a pension financed by the Wind Lobby'
Environmental Review Tribunal Details
The following information was sent by the Environmental Review Tribunal, regarding the next ERT Preliminary Hearing which will take place on Friday, February 14, 2014.
The Environmental Review Tribunal will continue hearing motions brought forward by the lawyers which will reduce the issues that will be heard by the Tribunal.
Members of the public may attend in person or by teleconference.
Dear Counsel, Parties, Participants and Presenters
I am writing to confirm that the Tribunal has further set aside Friday, February 14, 2014 in Hearing Room 16-3, located at 655 Bay Street, Toronto Ontario at 11:00 a.m. to continue with Motions being heard in the above noted matter.
For those of you who cannot attend, a teleconference number will be available. To access the dial in numbers please dial as follows: Local Dial in Number: (416) 212-8014 Toll Free Dial in Number (Canada & USA): 1-866-500-5845 7 Digit Conference Code: 1 2 1 9 6 3 4 #
Sincerely, Eva Pietrzyk Case Coordinator/Planner
Environment and Land Tribunals Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal – Niagara Escarpment Hearing Office – Office of Consolidated Hearings 655 Bay Street, Suite 1500 Toronto ON M5G 1E5
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