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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday Services Omemee

Local Worship Services Welcome You!

The following information has been gleaned from the internet. We are looking forward to receiving posts directly from local places of worship in the near future:

Special Easter Services

(See map below for locations)
8 a.m. Riverside Sonrise Service Trinity United Church followed by FREE Easter Breakfast at Trinity United Church 6 King Street West, Omemee Free Will offering and Foodbank Donations welcome.Come join in the fun, and camaraderie of this joyous occasion.Trinity United Church is wheelchair accessible with a lift for those who have a tricky time navigating stairs

Regular Worship Services

Other Church services offered  in the Omemee area are most likely to have special music and celebrations as well and include:
  • St. Luke’s Parish Downeyville Mass 9:00 a.m.
  • Bethel United Church 9:45 a.m. (Bethel is known for its choir)
  • Reaboro-Omemee Baptist Church 10:00 a.m.(known for upbeat modern Christian music)
  • St. Luke’s Parish Downeyville Mass 10:00 a.m.
  • Christ Anglican Church 11:15 a.m.
  • Trinity United Church 11:15 a.m. Sunday school during the service for the younger set up to age 14. Nursery provided as well for tiny ones. .

Omemee and Area Worship Services Map

View Omemee Area Church Services in a larger map
Wishing you and yours a very Happy Easter,
Suzanne Sholer
Omemee Pigeon eFlyer


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