Special Council Meeting Called-Can You Spot What’s Missing ?
Internationally Recognized Day Not Mentioned
-Tuesday, May 31st, a special council meeting will be held from 1 to 5 p.m,and although a number of achievements are slated for recognition,no mention is made of the international significance of the date. Meanwhile, a scant half-block away, five men are preparing to to draw public attention to the elephant in the room. Do you know why May 31st is Internationally significant?
First, Here’s the agenda:
TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2011
4.1 Presentations
4.1.1 Ric McGee, Mayor Presentation of the 2010 Environmental Hero of the Year Award
4.1.2 Keith Kirkpatrick, Chief of Emergency Medical Services Advanced Care Paramedics – Recognition of Advancement
4.1.3 Norm Price, Chair, Kawartha Lakes Accessibility Advisory Committee
Ric McGee, Mayor
Steve Strangway, Councillor
Kawartha Lakes Accessibility Advisory Committee Award Presentations
4.1.4 Lynda Dasilva, Chair “Thumbs Up” Sub Committee
Kawartha Lakes Accessibility Advisory Committee
KLAAC “Thumbs Up” Program
4.1.5 David Kerr, Manager, Environmental Services
>Angela Porteous, Public Education Officer
Waste Recycling Strategy
4.1.6 Michael Benner, Manager of Policy Planning
Patrick (Paddy) Kennedy, Dillon Consulting
Develop Secondary Plans for the City’s Urban Settlement Areas
So, do you know why May 31st is Internationally significant?
Observing the tastefully appointed council chambers, one might think that the International problem set aside for recognition today,is simply non-existent in City of Kawartha Lakes. After all, wouldn’t a forward-thinking society ensure the basic needs of its citizens are met before allotting money to the decor of its offices and work spaces?
Hunger in Canada –A Hidden Issue
Looking at the statistics on the World Hunger site, we can see that the problem of hunger is greatest in Asia. There are Departments addressing hunger in other countries,including the United States,however Canada, is noticeably absent. Is hunger a problem in Canada? As many as one in five children go hungry each day in Canada. Food Banks of Canada notes that from 2009 to 2010 the number of people assisted by food banks in Canada rose to
867,948 - the highest level on record.
Why Governments Can Safely Ignore Hunger
In a statement issued earlier this year,by the Canadian Centre for Policy alternatives, Graham Riches raises the concern that philanthropy, may actually be contributing to an increase in Hunger in Canada.
'By feeding the public perception that hunger is essentially a matter for charity, corporate food bank sponsorship acts as a major obstacle to ending domestic hunger and advancing poverty reduction in Canada. This corporatization of charity – resulting in the de-politicization and privatization of hunger -- has been enabling governments to turn a blind eye to this most basic of human needs"
Mr. Riches cites the tax benefits accorded to corporations, sports clubs and media for donating to and promoting Food Banks and asks: 'Who is really benefiting from this type of sponsorship – the sports clubs, the fans, or the hungry? We need to be asking whether the real function of such food charity is to act as a moral safety valve allowing us to feel good about ourselves, reassuring us that we have done our bit while conveniently allowing us to forget that domestic hunger and food insecurity are steadily increasing." He suggests:'(if a corporation) wishes to show its concern by promoting charitable food relief, why not support campaigns for a living wage, adequate income security, affordable social housing and child care, harm reduction and enhanced mental health services, together with an integrated national food policy?' Five Men in a Tent:Raising Hunger Awareness
May 31st is Hunger Awareness Day, and while its importance lacks recognition in the presentations scheduled for today’s council meeting, five men are setting up camp in Victoria Park to draw attention to this hidden problem in the City of Kawartha Lakes.
From May 31st 8:00am to June 4 at 6:00 pm, five local men are giving up their comfortable beds, and braving the elements in Victoria Park, Lindsay to put a public face on the issue of hunger in the City of Kawartha Lakes. The five will attempt to subsist on the diet of a food bank client, getting their food from a nearby member of the Food Source, Kawartha Lakes Dream Centre, then prepare it in the park. Kawartha Lakes Food Source has enlisted the support of these five generous men to draw attention to the realities faced by those in our community who need food banks to get by.
Throughout the week, there will be a series of fundraising events including daily BBQ’s,music,and a variety of entertainers. While schools, businesses and other employers are being challenged to bring food donations to this event, your local food bank will also be quite happy to receive contributions. Dunsford Food Bank and Omemee Food Bank, are listed as member agencies of Kawartha Lakes Food Source, but the majority of their food is supplied through direct donations from local churches, businesses, and individuals in the community.
Who are the Hungry?
According to Kawartha Food Source:
‘At least half of the food banks’ recipients have some kind of disability. Nearly 15 per cent are working poor. (And if you think they’re not deserving, just imagine trying to support yourself on $8 an hour, when rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Lindsay is $600 a month.) Forty-one per cent of local food bank clients are children; distressingly, this is our fastest-growing category of user. The Food Source also supports 15 school breakfast programs. Again, are we as a society comfortable denying food to children who’ve been sent to school with empty stomachs?
In addition to those assisted by local food banks, there is also a contingent of faceless individuals,who for a variety of reasons either do not have access to food banks,or are reluctant to use food banks. Some, are too ill to stand in food bank lines, and many cite the process as demeaning. Confidentiality is definitely a concern cited by many who avoid using local food banks, even as a last resort.
What causes Hunger?
There IS hunger in Canada because...
Too many Canadians do not have enough income to pay for rent, bills, clothing for growing children, transportation, medication – and food. Food is unfortunately one of the most flexible household expenses, and it is often nutrition that suffers when money is tight.
How Can You Help?
On Hunger Awareness Day, Food Banks Canada is asking all Canadians to make a simple change that can impact the issue of hunger. Suggested changes include:
- Change what you know about hunger – Get informed, learn how prevalent hunger is in Canada and understand the issue by visiting www.foodbankscanada.ca and the Ontario Association of Food Banks
- Change how you support your food bank – try volunteering, making a financial donation,donating Sobey's points, or donating most-needed food items, such as pasta, rice, canned meats, fish, vegetables and fruits, powdered milk and baby food, to your local food bank.
- Change how you talk about hunger – tell your MP you want to see it addressed, talk to your friends about it, and add Hunger Awareness Day to your online profile.
Food Banks in the Greater Omemee area include:
Dunsford United Church
Sturgeon Road Dunsford, Ontario Phone Number: 705-793-2156 2nd and 4th Thursday 10am - 12pm For Dunsford and area clients
Omemee Food Bank
Christ Church Anglican 62 King Street East Omemee, Ontario Phone Number: 705-799-2098 3rd Monday of each month For area clients
Millbrook Food Share: Old Millbrook School
1 Dufferin Street, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesday of the month
3:00 - 5:00 pm, 932-7066
Kawartha Lakes Food Source Facebook
City of Kawartha Lakes Agenda pdf
World Hunger Website
Food Banks Canada
Why Governments Can Safely Ignore Hunger
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