Omemee Area Sunday Worship Services Welcome You!
Friendly Folks Welcome You to Visit on Sunday Mornings!
Omemee Area offers many different Sunday Morning Worship Services. We hope you will find the information, and map below, helpful to you. This page is a work in progress,we welcome corrections and additions. Is there a service you are seeking, and it isn’t listed here? Please leave a comment, and we will add it.
Bethel United Church,
Address: 690 Bethel Road, Omemee
Worship Services: July 31st joint service at Trinity United at 10:30 followed by an indoor picnic.
August Worship services will be held at Trinity United starting at 10 a.m.
Sunday School: During the service for the younger set up to age 14.
Nursery: Provided for tiny ones.
Accessibility: Bethel United Church has an outdoor ramp to the Upper Sanctuary where services are held.
Christ Anglican Church
Address: 690 King Street, Omemee
Worship service starts at 11:15 a.m.
Sunday School: During the service for the younger set up to age 14.
Nursery: Provided for tiny ones.
Accessibility: Christ Anglican Church has an outdoor ramp to the Upper Sanctuary where services are held.
Reaboro-Omemee Baptist Church
Address: 21 Sturgeon Road., just north of the lights in Omemee
Worship service starts at 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School: During the service for the younger set up to age 14.
Nursery: Provided for tiny ones.
Accessibility: Unfortunately this historic church is not wheelchair accessible
St. Luke’s Catholic Parish,
Address: St. Luke’s Road Downeyville
705 - 799 - 6943
Worship services: Mass is held at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School: Seeking information
Nursery: Seeking information
Accessibility: Seeking information
St. John’s Anglican Church Ida
Address:1758 County Road 10, Cavan,just South of Emily Park
Worship service starts at 9:30 a.m.
Sunday School: During the service for the younger set up to age 14.
Nursery: Provided tiny ones.
Accessibility: Seeking Information
Website: St.John's Ida Website
Mt. Horeb United Church
Address:117 Hillhead Road,a bit north of Mount Horeb Road in Reaboro, Ontario
Call: 705-324-4006
Worship service starts at 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School: During the service for the younger set up to age 14.
Nursery: Provided tiny ones.
Accessibility: Seeking Information
Website: A Country Church for You
Janetville United Church
Address: 303 Pigeon Creek Road, just West of Highway 35
Call: 705-324-4006
Worship service starts at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School: Seeking Information.
Nursery: Seeking Information.
Accessibility: Seeking Information
Website: A Country Church for You
Yelverton United Church
Address: 166 Highway 7A
Call: 705-324-4006
Worship services: As Announced
Sunday School: Seeking Information.
Nursery: Seeking Information.
Accessibility: Seeking Information
Website: A Country Church for You
Trinity United Church,
Address: 6 King Street West, Omemee
August Worship service starts at 10 a.m. July 31st Service at 10:30 followed by an indoor picnic.!
Sunday School: During the service for the younger set up to age 14.
Nursery: Provided for tiny ones.
Accessibility: Trinity United Church is wheelchair accessible with a lift for those who have a tricky time navigating stairs.
Your Place of Worship
Worship service starts at
Sunday School: .
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