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Friday, August 12, 2011

Giving - Which Charities Really Help?

Who Gets Your Gifts?

Janetville Pastoral Chat with Reverend Mary Margaret Boone

Great Giving

Giving - the Horn of Africa Relief Fund being in the news daily,  has people wondering:
  • “How do we know whether our money gets to the grassroots and the people who need it?’
  • ‘Which charities have admin fees that are way too high?”
  • How can we know which charities are the best bang for our buck?’

Ways people give is important, and also not getting caught up in boiler room appeals where very little ends up in the hands of those who need the money. So why do charities even use these types of appeals?  Another issue is 'Who is a viable charity?’
Some people think they can use their lottery tickets from Sick Kids or Princess Margaret or Heart and Stroke as a charitable tax deduction. Are people swayed in thinking this way, because it is a fundraiser for a 'good' cause? Janetville PC members are talking about 'How we give, and what options are out there for us.' We are bombarded with requests to help, especially when we enter disaster overload. This Sunday at Mt. Horeb United, and Janetville, United Churches we will be shedding some light on the giving dilemma. Please join us!

Janetville PC Upcoming Events

Upcoming events at Janetville Pastoral Charge include:
  • Aug. 13th Antique Car Show at Terry Staples Memorial Park in Janetville 11am - 4pm followed at 4:30 by Janetville United Church Barbecued Beef Supper: $13.00 in advance and $15.00 at the door children 12 and under $6.00 call 705-324-4006 to reserve!!
  • August 28th. Yelverton United Church 166th Anniversary Yelverton celebrates its church history of 149 years this year and 166 years as a faith community from when it began as Newry. Join us for our combined decoration day/ anniversary service at Yelverton Cemetery on the hill on Hwy. 7 A west of Hwy. 35 11:30 August 28th. Celebrate a piece of our history.
  • September 18th, 2011, Mt Horeb Special Musical Anniversary Service. Join us as we welcome Rev. Gerry Hofstetter as we celebrate 150 years of worship at Mt. Horeb United Church. Gerry is bringing his much loved accordion, and we have a wealth of musical entertainment for the service. Our service time has been moved to 10:30 am, and we have arranged audio enhancement so that the portable will enjoy the entire service. The portable, though not totally accessible, is easier to access than the church. If this is beyond your physical ability, we will have a small shelter outside that will enable you to hear the service. We want to make this special anniversary accessible and available to all.
We look forward to seeing YOU this Sunday!
Find out more about Janetville Pastoral Charge on their website: A Country Church for You

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