Omemee – Ops Hockey Amalgamation
Public Information Sessions Start Monday April 4th
Emily-Omemee and Ops Minor Hockey Associations will be holding a series of six meetings this month to discuss and vote on the proposed amalgamation between the two organizations. The Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) has been encouraging centres to consider amalgamation to bolster their numbers and stay competitive, due to falling enrolment. Since many other centres in Ontario have already amalgamated, Ops and Emily-Omemee have set up these meetings in an effort to to be able to choose which team they join with rather than wait and not have a choice in the process.
The executive committees of the Emily-Omemee Minor Hockey Association and Ops Minor Hockey Association met and decided the best way to ensure they can provide strong and competitive hockey programs for our children is to amalgamate the two associations.
Each Association appointed members to an Amalgamation Committee which is overseeing the amalgamation meetings and the amalgamation vote. An amalgamation presentation was posted on the Ops Flames and Emily-Omemee Sharks sites to help members understand the reasons behind it and what the joining of the two centres will mean for the future.
A Letter of Notification posted
March 22, informed association members of the special pre-amalgamation meetings. Meetings 1 through 4 are open to all members of each Association to attend and review the progress to date of the Amalgamation Committee.While members will vote on the proposed amalgamation at the 5th & 6th meetings. Each family member will be entitled to one vote, and a majority of 50% +1 will determine the outcome.
The amalgamation, which will involve the scheduling of ice times at both local arenas.intends to maximize the use of ice at both arenas with members of both teams using each arena equally.There will not be a system of OMHA teams exclusively using one of the arenas, and Local League teams playing out of the other arena.
Agendas for the first four meetings include presentation of the required steps, and their completion dates. There is also time scheduled at each meeting for members to ask the executive committees questions. The executive committee stressed in its letter, the importance of members attending as many of the meetings as possible , and taking an active role in the amalgamation process and voting
Meeting dates and locations are as follows:
Information Meeting 1 --- April 04/11 @ 7 pm at Ops Community Centre
Information Meeting 2 --- April 05/11 @ 7 pm at Emily-Omemee Community Centre
Information Meeting 3 --- April 13/11 @ 7 pm at Ops Community Centre
Information Meeting 4 --- April 14/11 @ 7pm at Emily-Omemee Community Centre
Vote 1 --- April 18/11 from 7-9 pm at Ops Community Centre
Vote 2 --- April 19/11 from 7-9 pm at Emily-Omemee Community Centre
Resources: (accessed Apr. 4 2011)
Amalgamation Presentation
Special Announcement Ops Flames Site
Special Announcement Emily-Omemee Sharks Site –Note neither link on this site would open.
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