Dr. David McLaren- New Local Family Doctor!

Dr. David McLaren begins practicing with Kawartha North Family Health Team, Fenelon Falls.Ontario November 1, 2011. While Dr.McLaren's. patients will initially be comprised of those currently on the waiting list of the KNFHT, local residents who currently travel as far as Toronto for healthcare, will be glad to see that there may be potential openings in Dr.McLaren's practice in the near future. Yes, there is a light at the end of
that tunnel. Read on to find out more about our area's newest family doctor.
Kawartha Lakes Health Care Initiative Welcomes Another City of Kawartha Lakes Family Doctor
Kawartha Lakes Health Care Initiative, is very pleased to announce that Dr. David McLaren will begin practicing with the Kawartha North Family Health Team in Fenelon Falls on November 1, 2011. Dr. McLaren’s patients will initially be comprised of those who are currently on the waiting list of the
KNFHT. The Kawartha North Family Health Team's service area includes Fenelon Falls, Argyle, Bobcaygeon, Burnt River,Coboconk, Glenarm, Rosedale, Kirkfield, Norland, Uphill and surrounding areas.
Andrew Veale, President of KLHCI explains:'Dr. McLaren first visited our community in October 2009. We are pleased Dr. McLaren maintained his interest in CKL and recently has chosen to practice with the Kawartha North Family Health Team.'
Dr. McLaren attended the University of Western Ontario for his Honours Bachelor of Science (Genetics). He received his medical degree from the University of Toronto, and completed his family medicine residency at Queen’s University.
New Doctor Welcomed by The Kawartha North Family Health Team
Gary Horner, Chair of KNFHT, also expressed his pleasure in welcoming Dr. McLaren. The KNFHT is looking forward to assisting him in settling into his new practice at their Fenelon Falls office. The Kawartha North Family Health Team is a community-led team including physicians, Nurse Practitioners, RN’s, Mental Health Workers, a Diabetes consultant, phlebotomists and administrative staff providing primary health care to its patients. The health team provides care for patients of all ages, working collaboratively to keep patients healthy through prevention, maintenance and health promotion.
About Kawartha Lakes Health Care Initiative:
KLHCI is a non-profit, charitable organization whose mandate is to recruit and retain family doctors for the City of Kawartha Lakes. Anyone wishing to be part of this community effort by either volunteering or donating financially to support the ongoing recruitment and retention programs should contact Cindy Snider, Recruitment & Retention Coordinator at 705-328-6098 or csnider@rmh.org, or visit the KLHCI website at www.kawarthalakesdoctors.org.
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