What Do Omemee Lioness Do?
Omemee And District Lioness Club November Craft Sale - A Tradition of Serving
Omemee & District Lioness Club has held a craft and bake sale for about 9 years on the 1st Saturday in November. In addition to the Annual Craft Show and Bake Sale on Saturday, November 5, 2011 from 9am.- 3pm. at Coronation Hall,Omemee Lioness are involved in a great many projects. Here, thanks to Pat Aitken. is a brief overview of some of the many efforts money from their fundraising efforts support.
Omemee & District Lioness Club Annual Fundraisers
Omemee & District Lioness Club Annual Craft Show and Bake Sale is the first of their yearly fundraising events, followed by their famous apple pie sales. Omemee & District Lioness also hold a yard sale the end of May, and host a pancake breakfast as part of Pioneer Days, at the first of July. All funds raised are used to support those in need in our community and far beyond.
Omemee & District Lioness Club -Efforts Supported By Fundraisers
Omemee & District Lioness, help the food bank and Community Care. and make library book bags for incoming Jr.K students. Other important projects Omemee & District Lioness support include: No Child Without, A Place Called Home, Women's Resources,Five Counties Children's Services, Sleeping Children Around the World, Canadian Diabetes Association, Canadian Paraplegic Association, Lions Foundation Of Canada Dog Guide programs and many more.
In the spring our Lioness club does Vision Screening in our local schools to help recognize sight problems in our young people that parents and schools may not be aware of.
Omemee & District Lioness Craft Show Supporting Food Bank
Omemee Lioness Club is in its 33rd year of raising funds to serve the needs of those near and far. Don't forget our Annual Craft Show and Bake Sale on Saturday, November 5, 2011 from 9am.- 3pm. at Coronation Hall in Omemee. Admission is free with a donation to the food bank. Come out to see what our vendors have to offer, buy some wonderful home baking to take home and enjoy a sandwich or a cookie with a cup of coffee to chase away the chill in the air.
Yours in Lionism,
Pat Aitken
About Omemee & District Lioness:
Omemee & District Lioness meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month from September to June.at the Omemee Curling Club,17 James Street, Omemee. They have how 25 members,and are welcome women interested in helping others to join them in their efforts. For more information about becoming a member of Omemee & District Lioness,or other enquiries,please contact:Pat Aitken 705-799-5294 or email grammapat10th (AT) aol (DOT) comm
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