Anne Marie Battten,who grew up in Downeyville, works as a street nurse in Toronto, Ontario, ministering to the needs of the homeless,poverty stricken seniors, and the marginalised. We are pleased to feature the following article from Anne Marie about her work in Toronto, and trust you will find it interesting too.
Invisible People Need Winter Warmth
Mark Horvath brought coast to coast across Canada this past summer, stopping in cities to meet homeless people along the way, and helping share their stories.
When Mark stopped in Toronto, I was fortunate to meet with him. Mark's work is inspiring, and as he raises awareness of the issues around homelessness, he helps give a voice to those who otherwise are 'invisible' to some. When Mark visited Toronto, I spent the day doing volunteer Street Outreach with Mark. We walked through parks in downtown Toronto on one of the hottest days during the summer, where we met a young homeless man with blistered feet. I bandaged this feet, and Mark provided him with new socks; most importantly, we spent time with him, learning how he became homeless. We parted after providing him with resources and directions to a nearby air conditioned shelter serving meals.
Saturday, December 10, I once again had the honour of working with Mark, when the 'We Are Visible' mural was unveiled at 890 Caledonia Rd. Toronto featuring some of the people from his Canadian tour.
At this same time, 'Project Winter Survival' was launched. Bargains Group, generously donated several Winter Survival Kits and sleeping bags to be distributed to the homeless on a very chilly Saturday in the downtown area.
I am so impressed with these survival kits, that I intend to remain involved with this project as a volunteer. Many people ask how they can help in my work, I encourage you to join with me in making a significant difference in the lives of many who are homeless, with no other option than to be on our streets. Your donation to 'Project Winter Survival' will not just warm others, but you could save a life - we have the coldest weather coming in the next few months. Thank you for wanting to help. The button below will take you to their donation page.
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