Rare Neil Young Video Posted!
Neil Young News posted rare footage of Neil Young performing a Public Service announcement in 1962 for the Puget Sound National Academy for Child Development.
The PSA features Neil performing a segment of 'I am a Child', against a rainbow backdrop with a number of children with special needs. Here is a transcript of this rare footage for our readers without sound cards:
Opening shot: baby in bassinet, then slow pan across children with special needs seated with their siblings.
"I am a child,
I last a while,
You can't conceive,
Of the pleasure in my smile.
You hold my hand,
Rough up my hair,
It's lots of fun,
To have you there."
Neil continues playing as he speaks:
"You know every child is a gift from God, and whether you have a well child, or a hurt child; The National Academy for Child Development can help your children realize their full potential. If we can help you, or of you can help us with a donation; please write or call The National Academy for Child Development."
The video concludes with Neil singing:
"I gave to you,
Now you give to me,
I'd like to know,
What you've learned."
To see this rare footage, posted by Neil Young News, visit :
Neil Young News:Rare Footage
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