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Friday, March 9, 2012
University Presents Noted Aquatic Ecologist!
Trent University Presents Lake Ecosystem Expert!
‘Algal Blooms and Their Effects on Nutrient-Poor Lakes: Opening Pandora's Box with a Biotic Key’ is the title of this year’s lecture to be presented by the Biology Department for the David Schindler Professorship in Aquatic Science: “For the Sake of Our Lakes” on Thursday, March 15, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. in Gzowski College Room 114.
Presenting the talk will be Dr. Kathryn Cottingham, an associate professor with Darmouth’s Department of Biological Sciences. The event is free and open to the public. There will be a reception after the lecture.
Dr. Kathryn Cottingham - Noted Ecologist
Dr. Cottingham, an ecologist, studies diverse topics including advancing quantitative methods of ecology, food webs of lake ecosystems, the ecology of Vibrio cholerae, and the biogeochemistry of arsenic and other metals in pregnant women and infants.
Prior to joining the Dartmouth faculty in 1998, Dr. Cottingham completed her Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin in 1996 with work on phytoplankton responses to nutrient enrichment in lake ecosystems. She subsequently completed postdoctoral research from 1996 to 1998 at the US National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis in Santa Barbara, CA. Dr. Cottingham a member of the editorial board of the highly regarded journal, Ecology, since 2004, has contributed to diverse international workshops on topics ranging from biocomplexity of ecosystems to disease ecology.
Aquatic Science Endowed Professorship Honours Dr. David Schindler
'For the Sake of Our Lakes' is hosted by Dr. Paul Frost, the David Schindler Professor in Aquatic Science at Trent. Established in 2008, the David Schindler Endowed Professorship in Aquatic Science is the first-ever endowed professorship at the University, valued at $1 million. The endowment was given to Trent University by an anonymous donor who wished to honour the work of Dr. David Schindler, a former Trent professor and one of the world’s leading limnologists (a specialist in the study of freshwater lakes and rivers). For information on the David Schindler Endowed Professorship, please visit: trentu.ca/aquaticscience.
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