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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Letter to Editor Re Greenshire Eco Farms Article ~

Earlier this month,Omemee Pigeon eFlyer received a lengthy submission from Greenshire EcoFarms,which contained formatting incompatible with our site. After stripping the formatting,we spent 5 hours reformatting part of the article,then posted a portion of the article to our site,as the writer indicated they wished it published as soon as possible. We received the following letter to the editor today from Greenshire Eco Farms:

I wanted to point out that the May 19, 2012 story title "Food Safety Concerns Increases Organic Food Box Interest!", which you edited from our original title, is misleading to readers. We grow following organic principles, but we are not certified organic.
Also, in that same story, below the title and before the first story paragraph, there's an AdChoices for canola, a GMO crop. This is really poor placement. We are completely against GMO crops, and it strikes me as totally incongruent to place a GMO ad in a story on food safety organic growing! One of the reasons food is not safe is because of GMOs. We'd be much obliged if you'd remove it or replace it with a more suitable ad. Thank you very much. We appreciate all your efforts in the community!
Cindy MacDonald
Greenshire Eco Farms
Growing a Greater Good -- with you!

Our reply: 
Dear Ms. MacDonald,
Thank you very much for your letter explaining Greenshire Eco Farms is not a certified organic farm. We have re- read the article several times,and cannot find the phrase 'certified organic'. Perhaps you or another of our readers could tell us where it is located.
As to the ad at the top of the article: I can understand how such an ad would be very disconcerting to you. However, the ad you see is based on your internet usage. Here is a screen shot of the article showing the ad I see when I visit it - an ad for a dental equipment provider - Denovo Dental. image Google Adsense
We do not choose the ad that appears at the top of each article, it is based on an algorithm determined by a combination of the individual reader's Internet usage,and the content of the article.However,if you have an advertiser willing to pay for the banner ad at the top of all the Greenshire Eco Farm Articles, I could change the code from Google Adsense to display that particular ad. Please advise the advertiser that family-friendly Banner Ads start at $10 per month.

Why we use Google Adsense Ads

When we first set up Omemee Pigeon eFlyer, we optimistically posted a donation button,where people could express their gratitude for the hours of work put into posting events,news,articles,and ads for local businesses. Some of our readers have kindly given us gifts in kind for our work - movie rentals,soap, herbal remedies, food, drinking water, yard maintenance, transportation, and computer repair. However some bills need cash thrown at them - specifically Hydro and Internet, and our tip jar has yet to receive a single donation. Thankfully, two American readers admired our local coverage so much, they paid us to review their sites, which was an immense help in lower viewer months. Google Adsense Ads also help pay for the Hydro and Internet charges incurred in posting the .Omemee Pigeon eFlyer online. For further information about Google Adsense Ads,you may wish to read our policies page.

Suzanne Sholer B.A. B.Ed.
Editor - Omemee Pigeon eFlyer

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