Omemee Annual Carillon Carolling Evening -Join In!
Trinity United Church Welcomes Carillon Carolers!
Omemee Carrilon chimes hours daiiy, Happy Birthday in honour of local citizens occasionally, and hymns on Sundays. However, Christmas the carillon atop Trinity United Church bell tower has a very special program slated.
One night each year, valley villagers and visitors join together in a scene reminiscent of Currier and Ives or Whoville, raising their voices in celebration as the carillon chimes resound in the valley.
During break, friends old and new enjoy hot chocolate and Christmas treats chatting by the wooden creche in the background which stands as a reminder for the 'reason for the season'. Trinity United Church looks forward to welcoming new and familiar faces to the Annual Christmas Carrilon Caroling tomorrow evening, Sunday December 23, 2012 at 7 pm. All Welcome.
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