Robbery WItness Sought!
Peterborough Convenience Store Robbery Witness Sought!
Crimestoppers are looking for the witness to a Mac’s Milk Robbery.Can you help?
December 2 , 2012 at approximately 0134 hrs Peterborough Lakefield Community Police Service received a call for service regarding the Mac’s Milk at McDonnel and Aylmer Street being robbed. The unknown suspect used two knives to approach and force the clerk to open the cash drawer and allow access to a quantity of cash.
The suspect concealed his identity during the offence, however, the following is the best description provided by the clerk. Male suspect is white skin, 50-60 years of age, 5’3 – 5’6, medium build, light brown or sandy blonde hair, facial stubble, narrow eyes and a pointed nose. The suspect was wearing dark toque, camo green/grey puffy winter jacket, blue jeans, black gloves and boots.
During the offence an unknown citizen attended the store, saw what was happening, and left. Police are requesting this person to come forward and advise police what they observed.
If any person has any information, please contact PLCPS or Crimestoppers.
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