Omemee Junior Garden Club Registration - Register Now!
Omemee Junior Garden Club Welcomes You!
Omemee Area junior gardemers grades JK and up have enjoyed the annual junior gardening program sponsored by the Omemee and District Horticultural Society for over 65 years. Registration forms available in schools, and online, need to be submitted before Wednesday May 1st. Junior Garden Club Membership is only $
5.00 per child or $15.00 for the whole family, including parents.
What Do Junior Gardening Club Members Do?
Omemee Junior Garden Club, provides an opportunity for many children to learn about taking care of the earth by planting, growing and caring for their own garden patch. Members receive vegetable and flower seeds to plant, plus a boost of confidence when they are responsible for the planting, weeding, watering and harvesting of their very own crops. Members also have the fun of competing in the youth section of the O.D.H.S. August show for cash prizes and awards when they enter their vegetables, flowers, crafts and designs in their own age category. During August, leaders are delighted to visit the children’s gardens.
There is a youth awards ceremony on Mon. Aug. 19th at the Omemee Curling Rink.
The first get-together is on Sat. May 11th from 1:30-3:30 p.m. at the Coronation Hall. This involves a session of crafts and activities and getting seeds and plants to take home. The second get-together is in the fall. The date is to be determined.
Where Can Omemee Junior Gardeners Find More Information?
O.D.H.S. has a new award winning website where the
Omemee Junior Garden Club registration forms and
Omemee Junior Garden Club information are available.
Contact Heather Grassie at 705-328-0342 or e-mail
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