Sunday Smile: Pat Driving Around Heaven
Today's Sunday Smile was heard at Trinity United Church Service during the Service in honour of the man today is named for: Patrick.
There are many legends surrounding Saint Patrick - driving the snakes out of Ireland for example.
Did you know Patrick was a shepherd? Did you know Patrick was in captivity as a slave for several years? Did you know it was a recurring dream of God speaking to him that lead Patrick to return to Ireland and share Christianity ?
Here is today's Sunday Smile from Trinity United Church.
Patrick Goes to Heaven: Sunday Smile
There once was an proud Irishman named Pat, who went to heaven and saw St. Peter at the Pearly Gates.
St. Peter asked, "Who are you?"
Pat replied, "My name is Pat, I'm an Irishman, born on St. Patrick's Day, died on St. Patrick's Day, marchin' in the St. Patrick's Day parade."
St. Peter said to Pat, "Yes, this is true! Here's a little green cloud for you to drive around heaven in with a harp that, when you push this button here, it will play 'When Irish Eyes Are Smiling.' Enjoy it, Pat. Have a good time in heaven."
Pat jumps on his little green cloud, punches the button, and heads out with a smile on his face and a song in his heart. He's having a wonderful time in heaven, driving his little green cloud around.
But on the third day, he's driving down Expressway H-1 with the harp playing full blast when, all of a sudden, a Jewish man in a pink and white two-tone cloud with tail fins roars past him. And in the back of this cloud is an organ which is playing all sorts of celestial music. Pat makes a U-turn right in the middle of the Heaven Expressway and charges back to the Pearly Gates.
He says, "St. Peter, my name is Pat, I'm a proud Irishman. I was born on St. Patrick's Day, died on St. Patrick's Day, marchin' in the St. Patrick's Day parade. I come up here to heaven and I get this tiny, insignificant little green cloud and this little harp that plays only one song, 'When Irish Eyes Are Smiling.' But, there's a Jew over there. He's got a big, beautiful pink and white two-tone cloud and a huge organ that plays all kinds of celestial music and I, Pat the Irishman, want to know why!"
St. Peter stands up from his desk.
He leans over and motions Pat the Irishman to come closer. Then he says: "Pat, shush! He's the Boss's Son!"
Today's Trinity United Church Service,scripted by Rev. Alan P. Boyd was aptly themed around an important work wrtten by Saint Patrick towards the end of his life. The Confession and concluded with this blessing adated from -A hymn by Patrick read by the congrgation members to each other:
Christ beside you, Christ before you, Christ behind you,
Christ in you, Christ beneath you, Christ above you,
Christ on your right, Christ on your left,
Christ where you lie, Christ where you sit, Christ where you arise,
Blessings on you and yours this Saint Patrick's Day from Trinity United Church. Trinity United Church Welcomes you each Sunday Morning at 11:15 am. Choir meets at 10:45 am for practice.
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