Wearing Green Local Irish Music
Downeyville Irish Concerts Welcome You
Last night Downeyville kicked off a two night session of Irish music and Entertainment in honour of St. Patrick's Day. If you are lucky, you might still be able to get a seat tonight.Tomorrow, afternoon there is a Bluegrass Jam at Omemee Legion, the Legion St. Patruck's Day Dance on March 23rd is totally sold out. Dee Girdler penned an excellent piece highlighting Downeyville's history, and Irish music. Here is a small excerpt adapted from her article:
Downeyville's Happenin' Music Scene
By Dee Girdler
Just north of Omemee, nestled snugly in dairy farm country is the historic and predominantly Irish Catholic parish of Downeyville. The deep community roots of this hamlet were planted back when the first Irish settlers arrived in May of 1825. Arriving here from the County Cork in Ireland, these families established themselves within Victoria County, in what would become known as Downeyville. Many of their Celtic ancestors live in the community to this day. If you want to know more about the history of Downeyville, just ask a resident. My friend, Tom Lucas recently told me that in school, it was a priority for all students to know the history of the parish.
Of course, it just wouldn't be St. Patrick's Day in Downeyville without an Irish Concert. John and I had the pleasure of attending last year to a sold out hall and we had a blast. We were fully entertained with step dancing, musicians and comedians from the very young to the more seasoned performers. It was a time I will always remember happily looking across the hall at the close community gathering together in story and song.
This year's Irish Concert will be March 15th and 16th at The Knights of Columbus Hall. If you are lucky enough to get your hands on a ticket, a good time will be had by one and all! Here's a video link of some talented young ladies step dancing at last year's Irish Concert at the Knights of Columbus Hall:
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