Kawartha Lakes Holds United Nations World Autism Awareness Day Ceremony!
APRIL 2nd UNITED NATIONS WORLD AUTISM AWARENESS DAY flags will be raised for the first time across Ontario at noon courtesy of Autism Ontario with funding from BMO. Senator Jim Munson's work on legislation to allow Canadians to officially recognize WORLD AUTISM AWARENESS DAY for the first time, is especially appreciated by families and friends of people having Autism.
Why Autism Awareness Day?
January 2008, United Nations General Assembly unanimously declared April 2 to be World Autism Awareness Day. Autism, a lifelong developmental disability, affecting as many as 1 in 88 people, - 1 in 54 boys, manifests itself during the first three years of life. The rate of autism in all regions of the world is high and it has a tremendous impact on children, their families, communities and societies. World Autism Awareness Day highlights the need to help improve the lives of children and adults who suffer from the disorder so they can lead full and meaningful lives.
How You Can Raise Autism Awareness
If you would like to help raise Autism awareness, there are many ways you can show your support, April 2nd: Wear blue to a flag raising and 'light it up blue' with blue light bulbs at your home or office, use blue themed decor in your display window, or download a poster. Someone you know and millions you don't will appreciate your efforts. Autism Speaks - lists many ways groups, businesses, and individuals can get involved in spreading awareness of Autism.
Autism Awareness In City of Kawartha Lakes
April 2 , a flag raising ceremony will be held at Lindsay Public Library 190 Kent Street West, Lindsay.at noon. All are welcome to join in and show their support for the Autism Community in the City of Kawartha Lakes For more information please visit the Lindsay Aspergers Autism Support Group Website.
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