Local Officer Pedalling For Hope!
For three weeks the Pedal for Hope team is riding their bicycles over a distance of approximately 1 000 km with stops at local schools where they will deliver an important message about kids living with cancer.
Provincial Constable Alex Whitefield, from the City of Kawartha Lakes detachment of the OPP is joining the Pedal for Hope team this year. P/C Whitefield has been an OPP officer for four years, transferring to the City of Kawartha Lakes detachment in June of 2011 and he will use some of his vacation time to participate in the full event this year.
P/C Whitefield Pedalling For Hope |
Alex believes that this is a great way to not only give back to his community but hopes that each dollar collected will bring us one step closer to a cure. Alex's mother is a cancer survivor, having been diagnosed twice with cancer, so he understands what families go through when they receive the news that a loved one has cancer.
The Pedal for Hope team is comprised of 13 riders - 12 police officers from different services and one retired NHL player- working together to raise money for paediatric cancer research. This year's tour will make stops at 46 schools, 5 of which are within the City of Kawartha Lakes.
Learn more about the ride and its riders by visiting www.pedalforhope.ca.