Omemee Pigeon Flyer Author Guidelines
Want more readers for your site or blog? Omemee Pigeon eFlyer is accepting articles!
Omemee Pigeon eFlyer invites you to publish articles of interest to residents of Omemee and Area which will serve to enhance the quality of life residents and visitors to Omemee and its immediate rural area. The Omemee Pigeon eFlyer is the online eZine about Omemee and the surrounding area. Over 2,000 accounts automatically receive our headlines. Omemee Pigeon eFlyer articles are posted automatically to Twitter and Facebook upon publishing, and archived articles are automatically linked to more current offerings.
You will benefit from the opportunity to get inbound links to your blog,site, Facebook, or Twitter accounts. The links can potentially bring you more readers, followers or business. You may get as many as five quality links per article, plus a link as a Featured Guest Writer. In addition, your work will be automatically publicized on Twitter, Facebook, Disquis and other Social Media sites.
We hope to be helpful in increasing your readership, and assist you by offering some social media tips as well.
Social Media Tips
Save time on your social media by setting up a blog that automatically republishes to Facebook and Twitter through Networked Blogs, so you can devote the time spent announcing articles to establishing real connections with more readers. While having a presence on social networking sites is important, you will want a site that is accessible to everyone without the necessity of logging in. Republish the feed from your blog on your website if you have one as well.
Set up a Twitter profile to link and converse with your readers, and use it as the link to your name in your bio. Direct links from Twitter to your Facebook and LinkedIn profile, as well as your writing.
It is important to have even a limited Facebook presence. You can set your settings extremely tight so that only you are able to publish, or allow unlimited access the choice is yours.
Be sure to set up a Facebook page for your writing or business in addition to a personal profile. Create settings that work for you, and subscribe to your page's notifications, so you are aware of people posting items on your wall. Link pictures to your Facebook business page. Facebook is second only to Google in SEO. Use descriptive names when labelling your pictures.
Publishing Articles
Should you wish to publish articles in the Omemee Pigeon eFlyer, email us at You will receive an invitation to participate as an author of "Omemee Drafts". The invitation will be sent to the email address you have provided. Prior to your article being published, you will be expected to Follow the Omemee Pigeon through , this is in your best interests, as it can bring more readers to you, and helps everyone's writing get to the internet faster. After your article has been approved for publishing, it will appear on Omemee Pigeon eFlyer, and be referenced on Twitter, Disquis, Facebook Pages, Info 4 Canada, and several other Social Media Sites. If you link back to our site within one week of Omemee Pigeon eFlyer publishing your article, given the author's link provided, your links will become "Do Follow links". You maintain full ownership of your work, but for your own best interests, and increased SEO, it is recommended you not republish the identical article elsewhere.
The articles submitted to Omemee Pigeon eFlyer, should be between 300-500 words, plus a bio of up to 100 words. The article may contain the following links:
- one small picture link,
- 2 links within the body, and
- one profile link in the bio or byline.
There should be no affiliate links within the article. You will also receive a link under "Featured Writers" The article should provide information of value, and not simply be an advertisement. Submitted articles are first published on Omemee Drafts - a site that can only be viewed by the authors invited to Omemee Pigeon eFlyer, so they can be checked for SEO, and accessibility before posting. Rather than dismissing articles that do not quite meet our requirements, we will offer you the opportunity to make suggested changes, and enter into a discussion of improving the writing through the comments section on your article on the private Omemee Drafts blog.
We highly recommend using Windows Live Writer as a free, time-saving tool for online writing. other helpful tips and free tools are posted on and Please let us know, if you have any questions about creating or submitting articles.
Articles in the Omemee Pigeon eFlyer are automatically broadcast to Twitter, and Facebook - reaching readers from close to home and around the world. We hope to encourage this diverse audience to spread the word that Omemee and area is a desirable place to visit, dwell, and do business. In addition, the Omemee Pigeon eFlyer aims to provide information of interest and importance to the people living in the village of Omemee and the surrounding area. Our goal is to make Omemee and area, a better place to both live and visit.
We look forward to reading your writing.
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Networked Blogs, and help the Omemee Pigeon Fly!
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Those who post comments are accountable for the opinions they express, and the accuracy of the information they furnish. While we encourage writers to utilize this service on our site, we also strongly suggest they treat it as public forum where good taste counts. We reserve the right to decline for approval objectionable material from this site.
Writers that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments - such as racist language, threats or comments unrelated to the story - will not be approved. Also, entries that are unsigned or signatures by someone other than the actual writer will not be approved.
While writers can still post anonymously, we strongly suggest that they do not do so.
Opinions, guidance and other information expressed in Omemee Pigeon eFlyer comments and by contributors to the Omemee Pigeon eFlyer, represent the individuals'; own views and are not necessarily those of the Omemee Pigeon eFlyer. The Omemee Pigeon eFlyer furnishes this type of forum and does not endorse and is not accountable for statements or advice from anyone other than an designated Omemee Pigeon eFlyer spokesperson.