Millbrook Streetscape Consultants Appointed!
Local Resident -Heads Millbrook Streetscape Consultant Team
During Millbrook Council Meeting April 15, Basterfields and Associates was appointed as Consultants for the Millbrook Streetscape and Design Guidelines as part of the Millbrook Downtown Revitalization Project.
'We are excited to have Brian, a Township resident, heading up the team that will help with recommendations for the physical improvements to the downtown.' shared Bonnie McQuarrie, Millbrook BIA Chair,adding' It certainly will be helpful that Brian already has an understanding of Downtown Millbrook.'
Millbrook Streetscape Next Steps
Over the next few weeks, Brian and his team will be visiting the Downtown Millbrook to take notes, photos, engage in conversation and conduct their research. Residents are asked to please welcome them, and engage in discussions about the downtown and improvements that could be considered.
There will be 3 public meetings in May – in which all residents will be invited to participate.Watch for further update links.
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