Omemee Senior’s Round Up
Euchre, Potluck, and Speakers Come Join in the fun!
Contributed by Don Mitchel Sr. and Frank Martichenko
Omemee Seniors Club activities include: weekly Euchre parties, monthly potlucks with speakers and bi-annual dinners. Don Mitchell Senior, and Frank Martichenko, kindly provided the following details to the Omemee Pigeon eFlyer.
Omemee Seniors Club meets December to June, at the Omemee Legion Hall for Euchre each Thursday at 1 p.m. Admission is $3 for members. Occasionally, the hall is booked for another special occasion, so it is best to check with club president Frank Martichenko from Cavan (705) 944-5467 or Marion Wellman (705) 799-5951 ahead of time. Yearly membership in the Omemee Seniors is $6.
Omemee Seniors Potluck Lunch is the fourth Thursday of the month, at the Legion, starting 12:30, and features a guest speaker on topics of interest to seniors in our community.Some of the past speakers have included: Rick Johnson MPP, Mayor Rick Magee, OPP on “Seniors Abuse”, and Omemee Volunteer Fire Department on “Fire Safety in the Home”. If you are interested in speaking to this group, please contact Frank Martechenko.
This month the Omemee Seniors will be finalizing their decision on where they would like to go for their June end of year luncheon, an event looked forward to with anticipation. Omemee Seniors start their meetings once again in December with a Christmas Dinner where entertainment will be provided by the local schools.
Although Omemee Seniors Club does not meet during the summer, another favourite activity with area Seniors, is the Community Care Diners' Club which meets at noon, the first Thursday of each month, from April to December. at Christ Anglican Church. The Community Care Diners' Club is catered by the Omemee Lioness, who put on a lovely dinner for only $5.
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