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Friday, May 31, 2013

Beaver Kills Man - Say What !!??

Beaver Kills Man? 

Karen Cooper, Omemee shared this great true Beaver story, which we have reposted here with her permission.
Omemee Beaver Swimming at Millpond Cabins
Beaver Swimming
George Street South Omemee

Special from Karen Pero Cooper

I'm reading the Toronto Star online tonight. "Hmmm... Beaver Kills Man Trying to Pose For Photo," I read out loud.
"WHAT!!!! Beaver kills a man?!?!?" says my husband, in an extremely shocked voice. 
"Yeah, apparently so, according to the Star... Now what kind of idiot would get so close to a beaver that it could actually bite him and sever an artery?" I remark.
"WHAT?!?!?!? Beaver killed a guy by severing his ARTERY???" My husband sounds incredulous now.
I look up at him, beginning to wonder at his disbelief. "Yes!" I say. "Those razor sharp teeth, you know?"
"WITH HIS TEETH????" Husband is practically sitting upright now.
"Of course with his teeth! What other weapon would he have? The dead guy would have had to chase after him and practically put his stupid arm around him- you just don't do that!, even thought he might seem cute and cuddly! He's wild, after all!"

"Let me get this straight!!" husband says incredulously. "Bieber kills a guy, by severing an artery, with his TEETH?!?!?!".....

Swear to God, true story.

Thanks, Karen for letting us share your story.

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