Was Your Dodge Pickup in Manvers Township?
CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES, ON. –City of Kawartha Lakes detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is asking for assistance
with the identification of a person and vehicle of interest.
May 24, 2013 an OPP officer attended a residence on McGill Drive in the former Manvers Township after a young person told parents about a suspicious vehicle in the area. The youth indicated that an unknown vehicle with a male driver left the youth feeling uncomfortable as the vehicle seemed to be in the area for a long period of time.
Initial investigation has indicated that no offence has occurred. However, the investigating officer would like to speak to the driver of a
newer model Dodge pickup, full size with tinted windows and a tinted flame banner on the top of the windshield that was orange in colour. This vehicle was in the McGill Drive area in the late afternoon, early evening time frame on May 24, 2013.
Anyone with information pertaining to this situation is encouraged to contact the investigating officer, P/C Hoogerdyk, at 705-324-6741.
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